Overview: You Don’t Have to Go Bald!

In 1994, Dr. Elliott, then 24, had his first hair transplant to the corners of his receding hairline. He liked the result so much that he decided to specialize in hair transplant surgery. The next year he got a sunburn on his crown and realized that the loss was progressing. He had learned about the use of Finasteride in hair loss research and started taking it. Two years later, sunburns didn’t happen anymore. There was more hair as a result of Finasteride. He started using Minoxidil as extra “insurance” against future loss. He remains convinced of the importance of early medical treatment in hair restoration.

In 1994, considering your options meant the re-growth treatment Rogaine®, hairpieces, or hair transplants. Rogaine® didn’t re-grow hair like it said it would and hairpieces looked like hairpieces. Plugs were gone. Doctors were doing transplants that were natural, but your hair loss continued. Today, we can stop your loss with Finasteride and we understand that Rogaine® has a new role. Hair transplantation possibilities have expanded far beyond what could have been predicted 10 years ago. It was always important to consider all your options, but today they include effective prevention.

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