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Skin Care Products at Advanced Hair & Skin Surgery

Advanced Hair and Skin Surgery in Edmonton and Sherwood Park has been providing the area with quality services for nearly two decades. During this time, we have grown and provided many hair and skin surgeries such as dermatologic surgery, vein treatments, fillers, Botox, facial rejuvenation and so much more. There’s no one better in the area to seek skincare services and products from. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or ask questions about your skincare.

AlumierMD in Edmonton & Sherwood Park
Now Carrying AlumierMD!

AlumierMD was designed by a group of scientists, dermatologists, and industry leaders. Using the latest advancements in Clean Science, this team created professionally dispensed medical-grade skincare with the goal of delivering therapeutic solutions for patients with many skin conditions and concerns. The chemists involved in this creation used advanced propriety chemistry to optimize each molecule in the ingredients used. This scientifically shows how effective Alumier skincare truly is.

Our team at Advanced Hair & Skin now carries AlumierMD for the convenience of our patients and customers. This comprehensive medical skin care line works by combining innovative science-based formulations with creative delivery systems. The result for our patients is a reliable solution for many skin concerns and conditions. With continuous use, results stay consistent and start to perform progressively over time.

If you’re seeking a way to obtain more radiant and luminous skin, there is nothing quite like AlumierMD to get you the skin you want.

Beauty Products at Advance Hair & Skin

Vivier Skin Care

Vivierskin™skincare line is one of the leading pharmaceutical skin care companies in the world. Jess Vivier formulated and patented the world’s #1 Vitamin C line. Each of the Vivierskin™products have been carefully formulated and manufactured to ensure that the resulting product meets the high standards of the Vivierskin™ skincare brand. Vivierskin™ is the only medical skin care brand that has taken the incredible benefits of the world’s #1 patented Vitamin C serum (L-Ascorbic Acid USP) and combined it with pharmaceutical grade skincare products such as:

The result is a flawless collection of ultimate skincare products known as Vivierskin™ care. This line of products is highly recommended by everyone in the industry from dermatologists to plastic surgeons. No matter what skin concerns you’re looking to address, from dry and sensitive skin, to hyperpigmentation, to anti-aging to rosacea, Vivierskin™ care is the solution. Schedule a consultation today to get started towards a journey of healthier and happier skin.

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